"Chapter 99 - Presenting data" by Amr Salama and Jeremiah P. Depta

Chapter 99 - Presenting data


Eltorai, A. E. M., Bakal, J. A., Gibson, C. M.



Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Title

Handbook for Designing and Conducting Clinical and Translational Research, Translational Cardiology


Presenting data is one of the challenging steps in writing manuscripts. It is crucial to reflect an organized flow of ideas throughout the different sections of the paper to convey a clear message in a storytelling manner. Simplicity and clarity are essentials. Having a structure for presenting the data makes it easy to deliver the manuscript effectively. The IMRAD style is one of the most used by different publishers: Introduction (Question asked?), Methods (How was it studied?), Results (What was found?), Discussion (What do the findings mean?). The introduction section should summarize the knowledge gap that led to the research question. The method section should state the patient population, methods selection, and statistical analysis used in the study. The result section is the “number section,” where all relevant results should be reported objectively. A suggested flow of the discussion section is to summarize the major findings at the beginning, which will address the questions posed in the introduction. Then, comparing the results with the most recent trials should follow, whether the results supported or declined the current thinking. Next, the authors should explain the discrepant results followed by the study's possible clinical and scientific implications. Finally, a suggestion for further work should conclude the section. Graphs give the researcher the advantage of visual emphasis of the data and a quicker grasp of the results while minimizing lengthy text descriptions.

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Publication Date



Academic Press
