Pharmacy | Rochester Regional Health

Scholarly publications and presentations by Rochester Regional Health's Pharmacy department authors.


Books from 2024

Unleashing the Power of Bite Therapy: An Innovative Way to Treat Multiple Myeloma, Morgan Cruz, Kelsey Hawkins-Rusch, Saad Jamshed, Maria Sbenghe, Julia Wuest, Maggie Schuyler, Martha Wright, MaryJo Moran, Erica Walter, and Megan Callahan


5-1-2024          Virtual self-care simulations for third-year pharmacy skills laboratory courses in three institutions, Jaime Weiner Riskin, Nova Southeastern University Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, United States of America., Krista L. Donohoe, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Pharmacy, Richmond, VA, United States of America., Nabila Ahmed-Sarwar, St. John Fisher University, Wegmans School of Pharmacy, Rochester, NY, United States of America., et al.


4-1-2024          A comparison of in-person vs. asynchronous learning with self-care patient cases, Krista L. Donohoe, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Pharmacy, 410 North 12th Street, Richmond, VA 23298, United States., Heidi Eukel, North Dakota State University School of Pharmacy, 1401 Albrecht Blvd, Fargo, ND 58102, United States., Jaime Weiner Riskin, Nova Southeastern University Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy, 3200 South University Dr., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33328, United States., et al.


2-1-2024          Role of an embedded health system specialty pharmacy on prescription of biologics in allergy/immunology, S Shahzad Mustafa, Rochester Regional Health, Anthony Zuppelli, Rochester Regional Health, Sydney Thayer, Rochester Regional Health, et al.


1-1-2024          Extemporaneous Compounding of Low-strength Aspirin Capsules for Desensitization Protocols, Carly Messenger, Bailey Soper, Kara Cutaia, Rochester Regional Health, et al.

Submissions from 2023


12-2023          Antimicrobial Efficacy, John Cao, Rochester Regional Health, Fnu Vishal, Rochester Regional Health, Maryrose R. Laguio-Vila, Rochester Regional Health, et al.


9-2023          Piperacillin-Associated Immune Thrombocytopenia, Leela Krishna Teja Boppana, Rochester Regional Health, Ahmed Elkhapery, Rochester Regional Health, Mindee Hite, Rochester Regional Health, et al.


4-2023          Design of a service project that provides a model for interprofessional collaboration and layered learning within the refugee and asylum seeker community, Donika Emerllahu, Rochester Institute of Technology, New York, United States, Lirika Veseli, St. John Fisher University, New York, United States, Ashley Blaakman, Rochester Regional Health, et al.


4-1-2023          Penicillin-allergy delabelling resources for clinicians practicing in resource-limited settings: a full educational resource review of the grey literature, Mary L. Staicu, Rochester Regional Health, Meghan N. Jeffres, Department of Clinical Pharmacy, University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Aurora, CO, USA., Bruce M. Jones, Department of Pharmacy, St. Joseph's/Candler Health System, Inc., Savannah, GA, USA., et al.


4-2023          Use Of Midodrine To Increase Doses Of Guideline Directed Medical Therapy In Patients With Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction, Patrick McCabe, Rochester Regional Health; Gurminder Sanghera, Rochester Regional Health; and Vishal Parikh, Rochester Regional Health


1-2023          823: Standard Versus Low-Dose Levetiracetam for Seizure Prophylaxis in Elderly Traumatic Brain Injuries, Alison Merkel, Allegheny General Hospital, Lisanne McMullen, Rochester Regional Health, Daniel Jenniches, Allegheny General Hospital, et al.

Submissions from 2022


12-2022          Systematic Review of Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis) Preparations for the Facilitation of Parturition, Timothy C. Hutcherson, D’Youville University, Buffalo, NY; Nicole E. Cieri-Hutcherson, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY; and Ashley L. Bohlmann, Rochester Regional Health


4-28-2022          Implementation Of A Pharmacist-Driven Medication Optimization Service Improves Heart Failure Medication Doses And Diabetes Metrics, Patrick McCabe, Rochester Regional Health; Scott Feitell, Rochester Regional Health; and Vishal Parikh, Rochester Regional Health

2022          Antimicrobial Efficacy, Brianne M. Comstock, Rochester Regional Health, Hannah E. Fifield, Rochester Regional Health, John Cao, Rochester Regional Health, et al.

Submissions from 2021


11-1-2021          70. Impact of the Accelerate Pheno™ System on Clinical and Antimicrobial Outcomes among Inpatients with Gram-Negative Bacteremia at a 528-bed Community Teaching Hospital, William P. DePasquale, Rochester Regional Health, Mary L. Staicu, Rochester Regional Health, Sean Stainton, Rochester Regional Health, et al.


11-1-2021          72. Evaluation of Acclerate Pheno™ on Clinical and Antimicrobial Outcomes in Patients with Methicillin Susceptible Staphylococcus aureus Bloodstream Infections, Deanna Berg, Rochester Regional Health, William P. DePasquale, Rochester Regional Health, Mary L. Staicu, Rochester Regional Health, et al.


8-1-2021          Physical and Chemical Stability of Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate in Intravenous Admixtures Used to Prevent Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting, Ina Buga, St. John Fisher College, Joy I. Uzoma, St. John Fisher College, Kristin Reindel, St. John Fisher College, et al.


4-1-2021          Examining the impact of a penicillin allergy skin testing brochure on inpatient perceptions: A pre-post intervention study, Mikaela Brown, St. John Fisher College, Joy Uzoma, Rochester Regional Health, Ryan Vansice, Rochester Regional Health, et al.


4-1-2021          Examining the impact of a penicillin allergy skin testing brochure on inpatient perceptions: A pre-post intervention study, Mikaela Brown, St. John Fisher College, Joy Uzoma, St. John Fisher College, Ryan Vansice, St. John Fisher College, et al.


1-1-2021          Evaluation of a pain management protocol used to deescalate opioid use in adult patients hospitalized with vaso-occlusive crisis due to sickle cell disease, Domenique Ciriello, Rochester Regional Health, Nicole E. Cieri-Hutcherson, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, Stephanie Seyse, Buffalo General Medical Center, et al.

Submissions from 2020


10-1-2020          Pharmacokinetics of Vancomycin in Critically Ill Patients Undergoing Sustained Low-Efficiency Dialysis, Taylor R. Rider, Rochester Regional Health, Kevin M. Silinskie, Rochester Regional Health, Mindee S. Hite, Rochester Regional Health, et al.

Submissions from 2019


11-19-2019          Is there a higher prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) or vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE) colonization in patients with antibiotic allergy labels?, Weyman Lam, Warren Clinic, Saint Francis Health System, Tulsa, OK., Mary L. Staicu, Rochester Regional Health, Kelly M. Conn, Department of Pharmacy Practice, Wegmans School of Pharmacy, Rochester, NY., et al.


10-1-2019          Stability and Compatibility of Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride in Intravenous Admixtures: A New Look at an Old Drug, Daniel Sabins, St. John Fisher College, Tuong Diep, Rochester Regional Health, Pamela McCartan, Rochester Regional Health, et al.


1-25-2019          A practical guide for pharmacists to successfully implement penicillin allergy skin testing, Christopher M. Bland, University of Georgia College of Pharmacy, Savannah, GA., P Brandon Bookstaver, Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Outcomes Sciences, University of South Carolina College of Pharmacy, Palmetto Health Richland Department of Pharmacy, Columbia, SC., Nicole C. Griffith, University of South Carolina College of Pharmacy, Columbia, SC., et al.

Submissions from 2018


11-1-2018          Basics of Compounding: Vehicles for Compounded Oral Liquid Medications: A Review, Kara Cutaia, Rochester Regional Health; Lipika Chablani, St. John Fisher College Wegmans School of Pharmacy, Rochester, New York; and Fang Zhao, St. John Fisher College Wegmans School of Pharmacy, Rochester, New York