"Retention Among New Graduate RNs With and Without Transition to Practi" by Grace Newman, Calie Ferraina et al.


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Emergency Medicine


Question: Does a structured nurse residency program affect the rate of retention among newly graduated RNs?

Hypothesis: A structured nurse residency program will impact the retention of new graduate RNs.

Methods: Articles reviewed for RN retention rates for nurses with and without nurse residency programs.

Results: Research supports that transition to practice (TTP) programs have been successful in new graduate RN retention rates. TTP programs help the new graduate develop skills to cope more effectively with their transition and lead to healthier, more balanced careers. Typical TTP programs were generally 12 months in length, had a dedicated program coordinator and a preceptor acting as a mentor. RNs participating in a nurse residency program provided by Vizient/AACN were shown to have a 90.4% retention rate when compared with the national average of 82.5%. Components of residency programs included leadership modeling, promoting well-being, resilience, and work-life balance. Tools used to support well-being included journaling, reflection, huddling, identifying a peer, finding joy in work, expressing gratitude and positivity.

Conclusion: Findings demonstrated an increase in resilience, highlighting the importance of providing a resiliency program for new graduate nurses. New graduate RNs staying beyond two years reported that a healthy work environment, a supportive workplace, and a sense of belonging all contributed to their decision to stay.

Implications: TTP programs are successful at increasing retention rates among new graduate RNs. Further work should focus on identifying the best TTP structure for use at Rochester Regional Health and promote a resiliency approach versus a theoretical task-layered approach.

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Grace Newman, RN; Calie Ferraina, RN; Amanda Burling, RN

Emergency Department, Rochester General Hospital

Retention Among New Graduate RNs With and Without Transition to Practice Nurse Residency Programs
