"Are Non-Slip Socks the Best Way to Prevent Falls?" by Grace Buonaugurio, Gabriella Coraggioso et al.


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The purpose of this Evidence Based Research Project was to examine if the common fall prevention intervention of patients wearing non-slip socks while in the hospital the most beneficial way to prevent inpatient falls? It was hypothesized that in hospitalized adults over the age of 65 the use of non-slip socks compared to other footwear would not decrease the risk of falls. To test this hypothesis, a literature review was conducted, and articles related to the specific intervention of non-slip socks on the hospitalized older adult and its effect on falls were reviewed.

Previous studies have associated mobilization in foot conditions other than shoes (slippers, sandals, socks, bare-feet and other ‘non-ideal’ foot conditions) with increased risk of falling. The poorer relative performance of non-slip socks do not represent an adequate alternative to well-fitting rubber soled footwear. From the literature reviewed, the results were inconclusive as to whether the use of non-slip socks is the best way to prevent falls among hospitalized adults. Non-slip socks do not possess the properties of adequate footwear, such as shoes from home, required to prevent patients from falling.

Footwear from home should be considered as an alternative to the use of non-slip socks. The interprofessional healthcare team should continue to promote individualized safety measures to prevent falls.

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Grace Buonaugurio, RN; Gabriella Coraggioso, BSN, RN; Yana Gerasimovich, RN; Alysia Negron, RN; Zara Reilly BSN, RN

Cardiac Cath Lab, MOU, 6800, 7800, Rochester General Hospital

Are Non-Slip Socks the Best Way to Prevent Falls?
