"Development of SHARE: Supportive Holistic Anxiety Reducing Experience " by Benjamin Lindsay and Judith V. Treschuk


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The purpose of this research/EBP was to develop an evidence-based Interdisciplinary Family-Centered Communication and Support Program in the Surgical/Neuro Intensive Care Unit intended to provide the support that family members and patients need when admitted to the Surgical/Neuro Intensive Care Unit.

It was hypothesized that there is a way to support patients and their family members during their admission to the RGH SICU/NCCU through evidence-based practice decreasing their anxiety and dissatisfaction with communication with the interdisciplinary team. To test the hypothesis, an electronic literature review was completed in March 2021 and May 2021 for the most current research on family-centered communication with the interdisciplinary team and the patient/family. CINAHL, Cochrane, OVID, and Medline databases were searched using the keywords “Family-Centered Care”, “Intensive Care Unit”, “Critical Care”, “Surrogate Decision Maker”, “Satisfaction”, “ICU”, and “Family-Centered Care in Intensive Care.” Many articles were presented initially in all searches and then limiters to the search were selected. Limiter included but was not limited to “2016 to present”. Exclusion criteria were articles published outside of “2016 to present”, and the entire research participant sample aged below 18.

The results of the research showed three strong themes within the literature. The themes identified through the literature search and review are as follows: Patient/Family Communication in the Intensive Care Unit, Interdisciplinary Family-Centered Care, and Strategies for Improving Interdisciplinary Patient/Family /Provider Communication. From the results obtained, it is concluded that the hypothesis was supported. There is a way to support patients and their family members during their admission to the RGH SICU/NCCU through evidence-based practice decreasing their anxiety and dissatisfaction with communication with the interdisciplinary team. To further test the hypothesis the evidence-based program would need to be implemented and evaluated.

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Benjamin Lindsay, BSN RN CCRN, Judith V. Treschuk, PhD, RN, CNS, CNE

Nursing Shift Supervisor, Rochester General Hospital, Rochester, NY

Development of SHARE: Supportive Holistic Anxiety Reducing Experience in Critical Care
