
Author Credentials

Megan Worthington: MS

Nicholaus Monsma: MD

Raj Pyne: MD, FSIR


We present a case of Wunderlich Syndrome and Page Kidney, a rarely reported combination. Wunderlich Syndrome, characterized by spontaneous renal hemorrhage without a history of trauma, is typically associated with Lenk’s triad of flank pain, mass, and hypovolemia. Page Kidney induced hypertension, a rare condition resulting from external renal compression associated with renin-mediated mechanisms. Our case demonstrates the importance in quick recognition and treatment as blood pressure changes can be fast and dramatic. Our case also has the added dimension of renin measurements. After the patients hypertension developed, his initial renin levels were within normal range, but they later showed an elevation which may suggest a renin independent mechanism could potentially be contributing to his hypertension.

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